Monday 4 August 2014


The new iPhone could be one of the most pivotal devices in the Cupertino brand's history - with the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C simple updates to previous models, there's a lot of pressure heaped on the iPhone 6.As per usual, the internet is awash with rumor, speculation and downright lies over this next-generation handset, which is why we spend our time trawling through each nugget of info, debating its merits and curating it into this easy-to-read hub for all things iPhone 6.

According to a survey of 4109 US consumers the iPhone 6 is the most anticipated Apple smartphone ever, with interest easily outstripping that of the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5.Apple is planning to announce the next-generation iPhone 6 at an event scheduled for Sept. 16, to be followed by an initial rollout on Oct. 14.
Both dates fall on a Tuesday, a day Apple traditionally saves for major announcements, not product releases. For example, last year's iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c debuted at a special event on Tuesday, Sept. 10, while the iPad Air was announced a month later on Tuesday, Oct. 22.
The Oct. 14 date is highly suspect given Apple's track record in launching iPhone products on Fridays, but the source claims Apple wants to push release up earlier in the week due to high consumer demand and access to a more than adequate cache of devices thanks to a huge production ramp-up.
One thing is for sure, with the Samsung Galaxy S5, LG G3, Sony Xperia Z2 and HTC One M8 now out in wild, Apple needs to be on its game with the new iPhone - and many believe a bigger screen is simply a must.

  • What is it? A major revision of the iPhone including entire design
  • When is it out? September 2014 seems most likely
  • What will it cost? Prices are likely to start at around £550 / $944 / AU$100
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