Wednesday 28 October 2015

EX-PRESIDENT Kufour Is The Cause Of Division In NPP--BEN EPHSON

The pollster,Ben Ephson,on Anopa Kasapa when asked about his take on the current crisis in NPP,he replied that former President Kufour should be blamed partly for it.He added that during Ex-president kufour's second term he sacked certain people from their leadership position because they were towing Nana Akufo Addo's line.This he thinks has made certain people bitter against President Kufuor hence,the fight against his supporters.
From all that Ben Ephson has revealed i can clearly say that Nana Addo is only being Vindictive which i strongly think will contribute to NPP losing the 2016 elections.
What do you think about Ben Ephson's view?

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