Wednesday 15 July 2015

GFA President Kwasi Nyantakyi Is Above The Ghana Football Association;Says Osei Kweku Palmer!

GFA executive Osei Kweku Palmer was on the most popular television Fire For Fire hosted by Countryman Songo, yesterday.Apparently Palmer had made a very controversial statement in an interview when he asked about why Kwasi Nyantakyi is going unopposed for the GFA presidency.For those of you who do not know what his response was,his reply was that "anyone who comes out to contest Kwasi Nyantakyi will be seen as an over ambitious person"..Based on his statement Fireman asked him why he would make such statement?

  In his reply he said Kwasi Nyantakyi is above the GFA and is being groomed for the CAF presidency because of his excellent work,therefore,the GFA presidency is a done deal for Kwasi.His reply really infuriated Fireman.

Listen to him in the video below  and tell us what you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

palmer is a shame.